Die junge Soul-Sängerin aus der Schweiz, Stefanie Heinzmann, startet voll durch. Mit ihrer Debüt-Single My Man Is A Mean Man landete sie schon auf den vorderen Rängen der Charts. Das alles hätte sie wohl vor dem Gewinn der TV total-Castingshow "SSDSDSSWEMUGABRTLAD" noch nicht zu träumen gewagt.
I swear to tell the truth,
and nothing but the truth,
loving him ain't easy,
it's bad bad news, yeah.
Mamma says, use your head you don't need him,
look at all the shit he pulls you through,
papa calles, baby girl if you don't leave him
there's nothing i can do for you, there's nothing i can do.
He's a mean man,
but it's my man
my man alone
he's a mean, mean one
son of a gun
keeps me by the telephone
he's a mean man
my man, my man alone yeah
it's my man
my mean man
He likes to mess around,
is always in a mess,
he likes to have a drink or two,
before he gets down to rest yeah,
knock knock, 6 o'clock in the morning,
baby i've been missing you,
he comes and goes without a warning,
doing what he does.
He lies and he cheats,
he loves and he leaves,
that's just the way it goes,
but i do what i can,
i stand by my man,
i think he loves me,
i think he knows,
i think he knows.
Offizielle Webseite: Stefanie Henizmann